BE OPEN Launches Open Call #BEOPENUrbanGreen for visual responses to promote greener and more sustainable urban life

BE OPEN, a creative think-tank founded by the international entrepreneur and philanthropist Elena Baturina is launching its next global open call across social media. With open calls, by asking the participants to share their vision in the most graphic form, BE OPEN aims to identify innovative approaches, and build creative bonds for people around the globe.
This challenge continues the series of open calls inspired by the UN’s SDG Programme, a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. This time we ask you to share your vision of a more sustainable, nature-friendly urban environment by joining the #BEOPENUrbanGreen Instagram open call for visual responses.
The rustling of leaves, a touch of grass under bare feet, a breath of flower scent – those are simple sensations we, urban dwellers, keep on forgetting. Often, densely populated modern cities lack vegetation, with their outdated city parks hidden within a perimeter outside residential areas, at the most.
The green environment within the urban context has a positive impact on people’s health and contributes greatly to our quality of life. Plants in the city provide welcoming shade, improve air quality, absorb CO2 and heavy metals, and serve as a climate moderator.
Besides, it always boosts one’s spirits, no matter if that is about the lush green park, a modest potted plant on your balcony, or the sight of a powerful grass blade forcing its way through the cracks in the pavement.
Share your visuals of happy green within an urban context via Instagram with the #BEOPENurbangreen hashtag, as a way to celebrate people’s ability to creatively interpret and influence reality.
The entries will close on June 30, 2021. BE OPEN Community members will then select the winning post from a shortlist of submissions with the highest number of likes by Instagram users. The winner will receive a €300 prize.
BE OPEN is a cultural and social initiative founded by philanthropist, businesswoman, and entrepreneur Elena Baturina. We believe that the ability for creative interpretation is not confined to the art and design industry. The series of online challenges reach out to those creative minds around the globe, who keep their eyes open, see inspiration in everyday life, and are able to transform it with their own unique vision.